Monday, July 19, 2010

a different perspective

There are many times I sit back and wonder what it must be like to see the world the way Makenna does, to experience things the way she does. After watching the movie Temple Grandin (a movie about an Autistic child that changes the cattle industry and how people view autism- incredible!!!), I became more interested in the way Makenna sees things. It's obviously different, but like the movie says, "She is different, but NOT less."

Now, I must admit there are days when the frustration of not knowing what she wants comes upon me. But, I just have to remind myself that she is trying. She just communicates differently and rather than thinking she should adhere to my form of communication, I should adhere to hers. I should try my best to get inside her head and figure out what could be going on in that incredible mind of hers. And, I have noticed when I do this, it is more obvious than I think. She is usually communicating the message across, just in a different way. So mind boggling to me, but amazing none the less.

Today Makenna and I took a little field trip to get frozen yogurt and to Hobby Lobby (one of her favorite stores!) and bought a few things to make noise makers. One of Makenna's favorite things is music and it is often times used as her therapy. She loves to dance to Miley Cyrus and relax to Norah Jones! Precious!!! However, they aren't just for making noise. When I was at Hobby Lobby, I tried my best to think of her needs and think of something that could help her learn, grow, and make her happy. So we came up with these:

We bought five different bottles and I filled them with different color beads and one with bells. The bottles are all different shapes and sizes to help Makenna learn how to use her effected hand that she often times keeps in her mouth due to the fact of it pretty much being numb to her. This will be a form of physical therapy as well. She loves the sound of the beads shaking inside the bottles when she shakes them up and down. The color recognition will also help her distinguish which bottle is which and with repetition, she will know which are the easier ones to hold and which are the harder. This is when I will then begin to challenge her! As we played with the bottles today, I would ask Kenna to shake the blue bear and I would hold it up to her. Several times I would say, "shake, shake, shake". After she got down the pattern of what we were doing she would pick up the bottle, go "shake, shake, shake", and then throw it on the ground. Then she would laugh hysterically (the best part in my opinion). She was so proud that she did what she was asked to do.

It is truly amazing to me how the littlest thing can make the biggest difference. I am going to try my best to tune into what she is telling me, and act on that. She is different, but to me that makes her so much more beautiful! I want to celebrate with her when she accomplishes something, no matter how little or big it may seem to others. I want to challenge her to try even harder, because it is so clear she has it in her. She is so smart and I need to always keep that in mind.

Oh, and good news!!! Tomorrow she gets her new gait trainer!!!!! YAY!!! :)

Lord, thank you for continuing to bless me and for continuing to challenge me! Thank you for lifting me up when I get discouraged and thank you for reminding me of the gifts you have given me. I am constantly in awe of your love for me. I am continuing to pray for all of the special kids I know of, and I would LOVE if you could do the same! I hope you all have an amazing day tomorrow!! God bless you! Much love!!!


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