Sunday, April 18, 2010


Right now in my life, I am striving to be a better person. I am striving to do what God has called me to do, even if I don't think I can handle it at times. There is a worship song, by the band Freely, that says, "This is a loud faith, a sacred devotion. I'm reaching out to know who You. It's not a fake life, a religious commotion, but a living, breathing portrait of Christ." Now please, don't mistake this for the desire of perfection. It is simply wanting to be a Godly woman and live that out in all that I do. Today in church Pastor John gave an incredible message titled "The Family Legacy Test" and he focused on the story of Issac in Genesis 26. The Lord told Issac not to fear, because if he were to fear, it would only be passed on to his further generations. Pastor John told us how we should Reflect (on positive traits our family has passed down to us), Recognize (some of the destructive patterns in our family), and Respond (create a plan to remove harmful patterns, show forgiveness). He also addressed different roles of different people in the family in Ephesians 5 and 6. This really got a hold of my heart. He talked about wives being submissive to their husbands and how the husband is to love his wife as God loves the church. He told us some pretty powerful things and it really got me to thinking. I know I'm not married or anything but I feel like the Lord has really been working through me lately and it is incredible how he so intricately makes things work together, and all for my good. After this message and much prayer lately, I have made a promise to myself and to God, and that is to no longer settle, especially when it comes to relationships. If a man is not going to be so lost in the Lord that he tries to pull me away from Him, it is not worth my time. I realize that I am a child of God and I will wait to find someone that glorifies that. I want to be a portrait of Christ in all that I do. In my career, in my school work, in my home life, in my friendships, in my dating relationships, and in much more. I apologize if this is a little heavy, but I felt the need to write about somewhat of a reminder to myself. Aside from that though here are some other things that have been going on:

- I have the privilege to be a part of the Oklahoma Hope Link fundraiser!! This is a support group in Oklahoma for parents with children that have undiagnosed diseases/problems (special needs). They are putting together care packages and taking them to the OU Children's Hospital (where the sickest little kids go) and handing out the packages to kids and their families. They will have a table set up and are going to purchase quite a few clips from Miracle Makers to sell! I am so excited and honored to be a part of this! I have met a couple of the moms that run this group, and they are such incredible women with amazing children!!!

- One of my best friends, Sarah, messaged me today and is also interested in purchasing quite a few things from Miracle Makers. She is in a sorority at her school in Tennessee and will have a "little sis" next year, and she needs several gifts made to give to her. Sarah told her other sisters in her sorority about Miracle Makers and how all of it goes to helping kids with special needs. All of the girls are planning on purchasing things from me for their sisters next year! How exciting!! They all love the idea of the business and want to help out! God is seriously doing some incredible things with this!!!

- I miss my best friends like crazy, and can't wait for all of them to be home soon!

- I went to visit Sarah's mom today and she is going to sell me a couch for $50 for my new apartment! Yesterday I got a huge frame to put in our living room too, and it was 90% off! I LOVE good deals!

- Lindsey is coming Friday for apartment shopping!! Can't wait!

- I am not a fan of the rain today, and I think summer needs to consider getting here just a little bit faster!

- I get to go to Kenna's doctor appointment tomorrow! I am very excited to see what it will be like. Also, she is getting fit for her new SFO's tomorrow (ankle braces) so that her feet and ankles won't be bruised anymore.

- I had lunch with my mom, sister, and little brother today! It was very nice to sit down and talk to them! I really do love my family so much!

Now that I have gone on and on, it is time for some sleep!

Praying for a good appointment for Kenna tomorrow, and for a good week!

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