Thursday, March 11, 2010


Today seemed like a very long day, and for some reason I am completely exhausted! Thank God that my spring break has officially begun though! No class for a week! YAY!!! I don't necessarily have too much to say, but I am trying my best to write once a day. It helps. Right now I feel like I have a lot on my plate, I have huge decisions to make and I have to make them somewhat soon. Decisions that could effect my life in a huge way. I know that Marianne isn't a fan of talking about this kinda stuff, but the fact is, the decisions aren't going to be made on their own. I am the type of person who feels like I need to know what is going to be happening five years from now. I'm a planner to say the least. I'm pretty sure it's just in my blood, because honestly sometimes I wish I wasn't like that, but I am. Therefore, I feel like right now I need to know where I am going to school next semester and how I am going to get there, among other things. Please pray with me for guidance in this area of my life.

Makenna was in such a great mood today when I came over. She was laughing and smiling so much and was such a joy. She's just what I needed after a long day. I was very proud of her at dinner especially. Lately I have been working on asking Makenna questions to see what kind of response she gives me. For example, today, I asked her if she was all done with her dinner. She looked at me and slowly turned her head from one side to the other, as if she was shaking her head "no". When I asked if she wanted more to eat, along with signing "more", she got a huge smile on her face and laughed. This is Makenna's way of saying "yes". I am so impressed with how smart she is sometimes. This may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but to Makenna and the people that know her well, this is huge! Also, more good news!! Makenna's bath chair came in today! WOO! No more crazy alligator girl bath experiences. I can know give her a bath without anyone's help, and hopefully it can be more of a learning experience for Kenna now.

Not much else going on today, but continuing to pray for guidance right now. I know that God has a purpose and plan for me, I just need to be patient and allow things to happen in His time, for He is doing great things!


  1. Wow, I don't know you personally but wanted to let you know how much of a beautiful person you are! I have a special needs child like Makenna and know how important it is to have a special person like you in Kenna's life! Thank you for being so beautiful and special!!

    "Never Give Up"

  2. I have to echo what Sara said. You are awesome to be such a big help for my nephew and his family and I know they think of you as family. I will be praying that God sends you where He wants you to go!
